
HSP 4x4 Accessories


The future is now...

HSP products are designed, sourced and manufactured in Australia and are continually pushing the boundaries to create truly awesome 4x4 auto parts and accessories. HSP don't just create products but they also create solutions. So if you are wanting to take your vehicle to a whole new level, then HSP is the right place to start.

HSP is an Australian manufacturer of 4×4 hard lid accessories. They custom design premium lids and specifically focus on the tub of your vehicle. The HSP premium range of hard lids are designed and manufactured using the most advanced technology. 

HSP pioneered the electric roller cover in Australia and were the first to introduce a fully electric ute roller shutter into the Australian market with the ability to incorporate ladder racks, crossbars and retain sports bars. 

They have created the most advanced retractable cover, packed with patented features, made it look incredible, made it work with your factory sports bar, your factory remote, even your mobile phone and even priced it lower than less feature-packed imported units.

The HSP Load Slide is a retractable, purpose-built bed slide. Each one has an entirely custom cut platform, contouring to the specifics of your vehicle and is designed to give better access and management of your cargo. 

HSP have also created the Armour Bar, a purpose-built sports bar, completely individual in design and using only the best materials to achieve a beautiful, functional, and premium sports bar.